Monday, December 1, 2014

Anonymous said... Willie is corupt himself. Tell it, Willie!

Anonymous said....

Willie Pink should talk...pfft!
May 26,2012 7:08 AM

Anonymous said...
Willie is corupt himslf.  Tell it, Willie!

Willie Pink said....

Hello anonymous,(Willie is corrrupt himself)I will tell it.  The worst
thing I ever did in my entire life was allow Andrew Smith to get away
with ending that child's life.  I was misled by Robert and acted to
protect the sovereignty of the Tribe and prevented the County from
coming and doing a thorough investigation of the incident.  Later
Robert told me the truth about the occurrence.  I have not felt the
same since.  If you want to add to my incidence of corruption please
do.  I have nothing to hide like most of you.  So tell the world what
is is that you believe about me from the things Robert has told you.
You can't even think for yourselves anymore.

May 26, 2012 6:09 PM

Anonymous said..

Willie Pink, you aided and abetted criminal acts using sovereignty as
a shield to protect criminals.

You need to make amends.  You owe that innocent child an honest
accounting to police of what happened.

Better late than never, Willie Pink.

Do you still believe shielding criminals using the sham of sovereignty
worth the loss of your soul?

May 26,2012 10:55 PM

Anonymous said..

Last Anonymous,

I agree that Willie Pink should give an accounting of what he knows to
the authorities, but I don't think he had intention to aid and abet.
He himself seems to have been misled as to whatever events happened,
and whatever information he has is what he has been told.

Even if he does go forward now, the Tribal council will just have
their spokesperson claim sovereignty and the authorities may not be
able to investigate.

Anything like that probably should have been handled by tribal law enforcement.

Anonymous said..

Statements subjective, you think?  You this?You that? Willie Pink?

May 26, 2012 12:03 AM

Smokeybear said..

Willie Pink, do you have "Proof" to what you are saying? it needs to
come out and let the "Chips" fall where they may..."Eagle Eyes."

May 27, 2012 7:52 AM
Anonymous said...

I agree with smoky bear willy..if the table's were turned and it was
you who beat that youngster to death would robert smith defend you?
Would he have taken the weapon to get rid of for you?  would andrew
smith stay quiet if you committed such a dicpictable act for you?  The
damn gloves are off now pala, to hell with these criminals...there is
no statute of limitations on murder, its time they answer for their

May 27, 2012 9:24 AM

Anonymous said...

Willie didn't disenroll anybody.  Keep your mind on the real issues.
Do not get sidetracked.

May 30, 2012 2:04 PM

Anonymous said...

Willie is still guilty of a cover-up..don't sweep his obligation under the rug.

May 30,2012 9:48 PM

Anonymous said...

One of the posters mentioned that Tribal Security should have taken
care of it.  If memory serves me right, Andrew Smith's Uncle Booty was
the Tribal Security at the time of the child's death.  So once again,
family influence to cover up.  I remember the stories flying around at
that time, one of the main was that Andrew had killed this baby, but
no one came forth and told the truth.  Why? I don't know other than
they were worried about retaliation.  Andrew Smith is and was a well
known drug dealer, but nothing is ever reported.
At the time of this child's death he (Andrew) was full on into meth
and God knows what else.  Instead of covering his actions, his family
should have had him answer for what he did and serve the time he
should have.  Instead they chose the enable him, and he has NOT

May 31, 20`12 3:21 PM

Is Andrew Smith related to Robert Smith?

May 31, 2012 6:31 PM

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