Can you believe this? NCAI is truly and historically now, a colonized genocidal construct, and are gatekeepers for U.S. political and economical and national interest, nominates a crook! This man and others need their ass kicked and should be jailed for stealing trust money from the people, and misrepresenting us, as our traditional sovereign nations leaders. I told you the NCAI has always been a mouth piece to the national interest of the U.S. BIA and IRA Paternal Genocidal Regimes and no interest to First Sovereign Nationhood's. We should all be pissed off of this white organization, and the media, the can't critically see the Indian run colonized organizations and their contradictions and dishonored and disrespect of our intrinsic sovereign first nations traditional political governmental way of life , appreciation, and gratitude for life! If you see any of this crooks you better tell them what you think of their betrayal to their ancestors that died for them to preserve a authentic traditional national governing body in the natural world with earth and all living things'! Now, you must awake! And understand, the last of our traditional diverse indigenous governments, spirituality, cultures and red ways of life is being dehumanized, oppressed, repressed, desecrated, dishonored, defamed, disrespected, murdered, lie to, manipulated and exterminated by the hands of our own so-called BIA Indian Leaders and IRA Tribal Corporate Paternal Dependent Governments, that breeds the lie, the next generations of hang around the fort Indians, killing their own kind for the plans, plots, deceive, divide, mocks, the Creator before the Host of Heavens and all his indigenous red sovereign intrinsic peoples and nationhood's of earth only for the fun and muse of Empire lusts to destroy all life in general, called the United States of America!

Wanbli 2013
Pine Ridge
Spokesmen of and for the original Ochiti Sakowin Tetuwan Sioux Nation Traditional Treaty Counsel, better known as the Great Sioux Nation, appointed by He Dog and Crazy Horse!