Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Indigenous are the blood of the land; the stakeholders....all others are usurpers, not stakeholders.

Pechanga Monroe
Indigenous are the blood of the land; the stakeholders....all others are usurpers, not stakeholders.
Usurpers may have been born on occupied land...however....they are not blood of the land...therefore, they legally have no moral or legal authority to make demands.
This may sound odd...people must remember; what is known as the fictional "United States of America" is fiction based on the fictional "Doctrine of Discovery."
Fictional 'California' was formed by murder and theft....null and void as the consequence of illegal taking without consent.
Fictional lawless begat fictional 'laws'....
Fictional laws enacted under color of force and intimidation....murder and theft.
Any construct that flows from illegal possession by usurpers is null and void.
It's all a cruel charade....
Casino corporations and ruthless; lawless "Indian Law" (fiction) is illegal; null and abrogates every civil and human right of Indigenous peoples of California....
Tragic but true...Indian gaming is not Indian...just uses compliant and richly rewarded show ponies....often liars and thieves proxies....intended beneficiaries are non-indigenous investors, lawless attorneys, politicians, etc.
Corruption is systemic....the reality is that corruption is endemic to the whole fictional United States.
Force and effect of lawlessness; corruption is self -perpetuating...parasites have been sown and are now being reaped....and...are...being lobbied by thieves and liars as a panacea for all societal ills...
The beasts have been delivered.....trojans delivered by ruthless lobbyists, lawyers, academia, are now being readied for mass distribution via cyberspace....with international "partners"....Oy Vey!
Tah Dah!  Hang on to your panties, people....get ready for more chaos and corruption!
Remember, you are not indigenous to this the hidden hands; controlling  puppets are allowed to manipulate the traitors who put on their indigenous shams and take off their indigenous shams to suit their own greedy, lawless agendas....$$$$$ secrets!  pretend you are deaf, dumb, and blind!

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