Saturday, July 7, 2012

"Indian Civil Rights Act Has Done Nothing for Individual Indians’ Rights" By Harold Monteau July 2, 2012"and NEITHER has harold monteau…"Cathy Cory

  1. "Indian Civil Rights Act Has Done Nothing for Individual Indians’ Rights"
    By Harold Monteau
    July 2, 2012
    "and NEITHER has harold monteau…"Cathy Cory

    harold monteau was actually a founding partner of the law firm, monteau and peebles, which was the tribal attorney for picayune during the HUGE disenrollment of over 600 chukchansi people in 2006…

    and, equally important, he was the past chairman of the NIGC and, as such, set in motion the original proposal for the development of picayune’s chukchansi gold casino–even though the casino was proposed and built on questionable “indian land” in that the land was FEE land, NOT trust land…

    following his tenure as chairman on NIGC, monteau began his relationship as legal counsel at picayune, with many believing he used his considerable influence with former colleague and new NIGC chairman jordan to have the land approved for development of chukchansi gold…

    further complicating the already complicated “legal counsel” picture at picayune, monteau left the firm monteau and peebles and briefly set up partnership in the newly developed law firm of robert rosette, who ALSO had been an attorney at monteau and peebles…

    monteau left the arena of indian law representation a few years back claiming he now wanted no part of it, basically indicating that non-indian attorneys involved were behaving with less than honorable intentions in their financial dealings with their tribal clients…

    many thought he actually left in order to seek a position/appointment in the new administration of president obama, a hope that was quickly dashed when obama chose to remove from consideration anyone who had been a lobbyist within a specific number of years from appointment in his administration…

    NOW, fast forward to today…

    john peebles’ law firm (previously of MONTEAU and peebles, now partnering with fredericks, peebles, and morgan) was removed as picayune tribal attorney last year…robert rosette (formerly of MONTEAU and peebles and now with his own indian law firm) was hired as the NEW tribal attorney…in the ensuing battle of the reid and lewis tribal councils at picayune as “the rightful tribal council” john peebles is now representing the reid (who STILL refuses to offer apology for, or even acknowledge, the horrific destruction he had an active part in the 2006 disenrollments of over 600 chukchansi people at picayune, saying it was “justified under the picayune constitution) council, and robert rosette is representing the lewis (attack elders with bear mace purchased from picayune financed tribal gunshop, “burn em out” with burning logs and destroy tribal property in the process, and dismember 90% of our own chukchansi people) council…

    and what is at stake (in their eyes)??? millions, perhaps billions, of dollars with much compensation going to the attorney who represents the “winning” faction…

    and what has been sacrificed (in my eyes, and ANYONE who truly walks the red way)??? the VERY BIRTHRIGHT of over a THOUSAND chukchansi people, dismembered even though they share the same blood, land, and history of those who wield the tribal sovereignty sword of picayune in the destruction of their own language keepers, elders and future generations…

    MONTEAU, peebles, AND rosette??? NONE deserve to carry the banner as a champion of indian civil rights, nor should they even attempt to do so…

    !!!!bring the people–ALL the people–home to picayune!!!!

    some may find the following info gleaned from “Stand Up California” website interesting:

    May 31, 2000: Stand Up for California to NIGC

    The determination by Mr. Jordan, assumes that the land is held in a restrictive status. A gaming company, First Astri Corp. acquired the land. The land is simple fee status. There are no restrictions on this land. The court case that is sighted did not make the United States, or the Bureau of Indian Affairs a party to a land settlement. The Tribe nor the County or the Federal Court, have legal jurisdiction to set a precedent of taking land as “Indian Country”. This is the authority that has been given to Congress. This determination has every appearance of a “political decision” that flies in the face of the rule of law established in the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act and abusing the authority of the Secretary of the Interior. Is this an effort to assist former National Indian Gaming Commissioner Harold Monteau who now represents the Chukchansi of the Picayune? Section 4 [2703] 4 (B)

    Click here to get the file

    Stand Up For California
    Cheryl Schmit – Director
     ·  · 

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