Monday, June 4, 2012

Well! Aren’t you just the expert on Indian Law! Are You suffering the effects of corrupt Councils in Indian Country shrouded by flim-flam veils? I am!

  1. PechangaJune 4, 2012

    Well! Aren’t you just the expert on Indian Law! Are You suffering the effects of corrupt Councils in Indian Country shrouded by flim-flam veils? I am!
    If you were you wouldn’t be so anxious to provide another layer of injustice to victims of criminal acts committed against helpless Indians.
    Why would you be a champion of Indian Law in the first place, ms injustice?
    Why don’t you and your Indian Law compadres lobby for ALL United States constitutional protections for ALL humans..including Indian Country.
    Indian Law is fiction used as a weapon against Indians…
    The United States was founded on theft and murder…who made the United States the boss of Indians? Hmm…using logic; wouldn’t you say if Indians were forced under duress to become United States citizens that ALL United States’ constitutional protections also would flow to Indians?
    It serves ‘Indian Law’ shysters’ best interests to perpetuate this flim flam ;unjust fraud on Indians.
    While we talking injustice…all this lawless crap is used as another tool to loot Indian Country at the expense of Indians who are victimized by greedy corrupt councils and development corporations run by….gasp! Shysters; aka, Howard Dickstein,Jerome Levine, Cohen, etc.
    Washington opened Indian Country wide open to corruption. The Senate Committee on Indian Affairs is packed with lawless jackals who profit from lawlessness in Indian Country.
    You are not naive…you are a predator using language to abrogate Indian’s human and civil rights via lawless machinations upon lawless machinations!
    How easy it is for you and your ilk to crank out illegal “legal” crap with no consideration to the implications of said crap to Indians.. For example, Ben Campbell should be ostracized for his special gift 
    of’internal matter’ aka a very special gift, which, in practice, means…his dear, dear ‘friends’ can commit 
    criminal acts in Indian Country with impunity…how 
    ‘gifted’ is Ben Campbell and his fellow crooks by grateful 
    corrupt ‘Indian’ councils!
    Hmmm…what human with an ounce of moral authority and moral
    conscience would vote for such injustice? ‘Internal matter’ has to be
    Tell you what, how about safe open public forums for victims of
    criminal acts by corrupt so-called ‘tribal governments’to speak..really
    speak out about what is really happening in Indian Country; in the
    United States?
    Bet that would not serve ‘the best interests’ of you and your fellow shysters….would it!
    All Constitutional protections for All in Indian Country…
    Pfft! How very special of you to work only for the best interests of only you and your compadres! What nerve of you to coat injustice with
    feigned concern for ‘victims.’So financially rewarding for you!
    Just the fact that you and you ilk have unlimited access to platforms like Indian Country Today, Indianz, Pechanga.Net, etc signals complicity with you and your fellow rogues to peddle your damaging fiction…ah!…so legal sounding!

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