Wednesday, December 3, 2014

"Indian Law" abrogates aboriginal rights...

01/27/2012 10:35 AM  pechanga The opening paragraph:" He started out in a tent at the reservation at Wounded Knee, S.D., an idealistic young lawyer defending Indians' rights. He evolved into a champion for Indian casinos – a 


01/27/2012 10:35 AM

The opening paragraph:"
He started out in a tent at the reservation at Wounded Knee, S.D., an
idealistic young lawyer defending Indians' rights. He evolved into a
champion for Indian casinos – a towering political figure who cut
deals with California governors and helped give birth to a $7
billion-a-year industry." suggests a press release; a commercial.

 "Indian Law" is a tool used to decimate Indians' best interests.
Dickstein, Levine, Goldberg, Cohen, et al, did not just 'happen to be
in the right place at the right time.' How did shysters worm their way
into Indian Country?  Cabazon decision was a victory for Indian
Country.  However, Washington, via Senate Committee on Indian Affairs,
created an illusory number of 'controls' to  continue to subjugate the
Indians inherent rights to conduct their business without
Washington's approval.

Lanny Davis;powerful shyster; Washington insider, opened the door wide
to welcome his special compadres aka 'Indian Law' to infiltrate Indian
Country to place choke chains of control in Indian Country.   The
Indian Gaming Act was just another filthy machination used to diminish
Indians' rights.  In effect, the Gaming Act illegally shifted Indian
Country's 'sovereignty' to States. Dickstein and his fellow shysters
are direct beneficiaries of lawless laws.  They were intentionally
ruthless to use their feigned 'affinity' of sympathetic connection
with Indians to infiltrate Indian Country.

Wink! wink!  Dickstein;et al never represent the 'best interests' of
Indians.  Dickstein  represents casino interests which use the
shams;shells of Indians to conduct non-Indian 'business' with full
Washington political 'cover.'

Indian Country did not have to 'cut' deals with governors. It is all
fiction. Who knew? Washington, States,
governors......and.....Dickstein and his fellow 'Indian Law'
shysters;aka "dictators of 'banana republics."

Who didn't know? Oy vey! Indians!

Howard Dickstein, you lie! you know very well your statement, "I'm not
the dictator of a banana republic" is a LIE –" that's so insulting to
the tribe." Well, the "that's so insulting to the tribe." is TRUE!

Oy vey! Dickstein, Goldberg,Levine, Cohen....Lanny Davis...hidden
hands...Shame! So not Torah!

Dickstein, Levine, Goldberg, Cohen!

01/24/2012 07:51 AM 1


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